
How much do mobility scooters cost?

Just like cars, electric scooters vary in price depending on their size, specs and condition. Generally speaking, they can be priced as low as $1400 and range up to

What is a Mobility Scooter?

There are a wide range of ‘scooter’ products on the market today – kids’ scooters, motor scooters, snow scooters and even marine scooters. But what

Kids Love Luggies

Anna Blinks has done things most 14 year-olds have not. She’s been on national television on Ten’s five O’clock news; she’s given speeches for large

Batteries Explained

A crucial component of a mobility scooter is its battery. The battery determines how far you can go in between charges, and the quality of

“Poppy, Are You Ready Yet?”

Buying a mobility scooter has been a journey in itself. An emotional journey, a realisation that one has moved into another phase of life, the

Mobility Scooters and Online Shopping

Yes, clicking that big shiny Buy Button is exhilarating, cathartic, soothing, sometimes terrifying. But when it comes to mobility scooters and powerchairs, it’s a no-no.

Journalist Test His Luggie in Europe

Journalist Frank Smith travelled to Europe this year on his Luggie Elite, visiting Norway and Scotland. He took his Luggie on Qantas, Qatar and KLM

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